
За Дома
Дома е едукативна еколошка онлајн платформа на Институтот за комуникациски студии.
Мисијата на ИКС е да помогнеме во зајакнувањето на македонската демократија во работата со медиумите, граѓанското општество и јавните институции, едуцирајќи критична јавност која ќе бара поголема транспарентност и отчетност преку вклучување на граѓаните во креирањето јавни политики.
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Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy defines the collection of personal information, the purpose for which we collect that information, the storage of this data and the conditions under which we could make that data available to third parties.

This policy applies to users of the doma.edu.mk website maintained by the Institute for Communication Studies (hereinafter referred to as ICS). The controller of the personal data collections is the Institute for Communication Studies, Yurij Gagarin 17-1/1, 1020 Skopje.

Method and purpose of collecting personal information

This website collects personal information in two ways:

  • If you contact us using the contact form used to apply for the master’s programs, we shall receive an email with your first and last name, your phone number and your email address. We collect this data so that we can contact you.
  • With cookies, by accessing the website. These cookies are textual content that a website can leave on your computer in order to identify your repeated visits and the manner in which you interact with the website. More information about cookies and the type of data we receive from these cookies can be found below.

Storage of this data and your rights

We receive the data you send us using the contact form on our e-mail. We keep this data until the purpose for which it was collected is met. You can ask for these data to be deleted with a simple email request sent to or on the following phone number +389 (0)2 3090 004.

The data we collect from the cookies cannot be directly linked to you, so we cannot process a request for their deletion. More information about cookies can be found below.

Sharing data with third parties

ICS may share your personal data only at the request of a court or state investigative authorities, and only on the basis of a law. ICS does not share or resell your personal information with third parties.

In terms of data obtained from the cookies, the Institute may share this data with third parties only for the purpose of analyzing the performance of our website and the user interaction with it. In this case, the third parties are required, in agreement with ICS, to keep this data only in a scope and for a duration for preparation of analysis and they may not share that data with third parties.

Personal data protection officer

Personal data protection officer at the Institute for Communication Studies is Bojan Georgievski – | +389 (0)2 3090 004.


See the Cookie Policy.