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Gone with the River

Apart from the turbulent history and past, here in the Balkans we also share natural resources and rivers. The rivers do separate us, but they also connect us. They carry with them our irresponsibility towards nature and share it with the neighboring countries. With this new short environmental documentary “Gone with the River” we tell the story of three Balkan rivers, numb witnesses of the regional pollution. Welcome to the new, fourth season of DOMA film – stories from and about nature.

Authors: Kiril Arsovski Przo, Zaneta Trajkoska, Ana Aleksovska
Host: Gjorgji Neskoski
Directed by: Ana Aleksovska
Camera: Ivan Popovic, Ljubomir Domazetov
Editing: Borce Krstevski
Thanks to: Ivor Fuka, Tijana Bajic
